HSR system Review – Update on release of discussion paper
By mpconsulting

From February to April this year, mpconsulting held public forums across Australia and New Zealand to inform the Five Year Review of the Health Star Rating (HSR) system. The forums have now been concluded. Thank you to all who attended and provided feedback.
As flagged in forums, the next stage of the Review includes the release of subject specific discussion papers. In forums, we indicated there would be two papers made available for public comment in May and July 2018.
As discussed at forums, the papers will be informed by the advice of the HSR Technical Advisory Group (TAG), which is currently undertaking detailed modelling of how the HSR system aligns with dietary guidelines, and also modelling various options for system enhancement identified by stakeholders and canvassed at the forums.
To ensure the incorporation of TAG modelling advice, along with the valuable input of stakeholders, we are now proposing to release one comprehensive discussion paper in late September 2018. The TAG modelling advice will be released at the same time. The discussion paper (and TAG advice) will be available for comment for a period of six weeks, from late September 2018.
We appreciate this is a delay in the expected timing, but we are keen to ensure the discussion paper is as comprehensive as possible (and do not anticipate changes to overall timeframes for the Review).
We look forward to continuing to work with you through the next stage of the Review.