
Volunteer Management Activity Review - Survey now open

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Social Services (the Department) to undertake a Review of the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA), formerly known as the Volunteer Management Program. Through the VMA, the Department funds volunteer support services to deliver support to both volunteers and the organisations they work with across Australia. For us to gain an understanding of how appropriate and effective the activity is, we want to hear from volunteers, volunteer involving organisations and from organisations providing volunteer. Read more...

Seeking your input - Volunteer Management Program Review

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Social Services (the Department) to undertake a review of the Volunteer Management Program (VMP). Through the VMP, the Department funds over 50 organisations (volunteer support services) to deliver volunteer support across Australia. The services recruit, encourage, support and train volunteers and volunteer involving organisations, and increase participation in volunteering. For us to gain an understanding of how appropriate and effective the program is, we want to hear from volunteers and the organisations. Read more...