
Consultation on the co-regulatory arrangements under UPM NEPM

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the Department) to review the operation of the co-regulatory arrangements established by the National Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure 2011 (the UPM NEPM) and the Australian Packaging Covenant (the Covenant). As part of this review, we are seeking input from a range of stakeholders including businesses in the packaging stream, such as brand owners under the UPM NEPM and signatories to the Covenant, businesses in the. Read more...

Public consultation on options for aged care worker regulation scheme

By mpconsulting

mpconsulting has been engaged by the Department of Health to explore options for an aged care worker regulation scheme.  As part of this work, we are seeking input from a range of stakeholders including, for example, aged care providers, staff of aged care organisations, people receiving aged care services (including their family, friends and carers), key aged care sector groups and people with experience of like worker regulation schemes, on the potential models for worker screening and regulation. To do. Read more...

Consumer engagement in aged care - resources released

By mpconsulting

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) has just released a new resource titled Care that is right for me - a resource for working with aged care consumers. The resource identifies a range of best practice strategies and tools to support aged care providers to improve their engagement with aged care consumers and their representatives.  mpconsulting worked with the Commission and a representative steering group to develop the resource.  As part of this work, we undertook a literature review to. Read more...

Consumer engagement in aged care – surveys for aged care providers and consumers

By mpconsulting

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) has engaged mpconsulting to explore better practice models for engagement between aged care providers and people receiving aged care services. More information on this project is available here. As part of this work, we are seeking input from aged care providers and people receiving aged care services (including their family, friends and carers) on existing models of engagement and how these work in practice. To do this, we have released two. Read more...

HSR - Thank you for your feedback!

By mpconsulting

In January, mpconsulting released a Navigation Paper that covered some of the key issues we are exploring through the Review of the Health Star Rating system, as well as providing detail on continued consultation opportunities. We would like to thank stakeholders for their feedback on the Navigation Paper. While we are not making updates to the Navigation Paper, we will certainly take into consideration the comments you have provided as the Review progresses. Your contributions are invaluable. http://healthstarrating.gov.au/internet/healthstarrating/publishing.nsf/Content/formal-review-of-the-system-after-five-years Read more...