Consumer engagement in aged care – resources released
By mpconsulting

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) has just released a new resource titled Care that is right for me – a resource for working with aged care consumers.
The resource identifies a range of best practice strategies and tools to support aged care providers to improve their engagement with aged care consumers and their representatives.
mpconsulting worked with the Commission and a representative steering group to develop the resource.
As part of this work, we undertook a literature review to identify existing models of consumer engagement across different sectors and internationally. We also sought feedback from aged care providers, consumers and consumer representatives on existing models of engagement and how these work in practice. The literature review and a summary report of the outcomes from two online surveys have also been published.
mpconsulting would like to thank the stakeholders involved in both the online surveys and the steering group for their contribution to the creation of the resource.