Release of IMS and SIRS guidance material for aged care providers
By mpconsulting

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) has released two new resources to support aged care providers to understand and meet new incident management and serious incident response requirements commencing on 1 April 2021.
- Effective incident management systems: Best practice guidance
- Serious Incident Response Scheme – Guidelines for residential aged care providers
The resources include a range of examples and prompts to support aged care providers to develop and embed a best practice incident management system and to understand their responsibilities in relation to the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS).
mpconsulting was the primary author on both resources working in close consultation with the Commission.
The information in these guidelines was informed by our deep knowledge of the aged care environment and the aged care law, including the Aged Care Quality Standards, and our work with the Department of Health, the Commission, providers and consumers in the development of the SIRS.
mpconsulting would like to thank all of the providers and peak bodies who contributed to the resources and also all of the consumers and others who (through their sharing of stories to the Royal Commission and others) have highlighted the critical importance of learning from incidents to improve aged care for everyone.