Summary of the VMA Review public workshops – available now
By mpconsulting

mpconsulting recently undertook public workshops throughout Australia to inform the review of the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA). Across all workshops a total of approximately 200 people attended, comprising a mix of volunteers, volunteer involving organisations, volunteer support services and peak bodies.
mpconsulting has prepared a summary of the key themes and outcomes from the workshops. This document does not attempt to capture the complete range of views and information received through the workshops but provides a high level summary. We’d like to extend our thanks to all those who assisted in organising the workshops and to those who attended the workshops and provided their input. Your contributions to the Review are invaluable. Any further feedback to inform the Review can be sent to
The Final Review Report will be provided to the Department in June 2018 and will present a range of possible options for the future of the VMA.